The First Commandment
‘I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to yourself any graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters of the earth. You shall not adore them or serve them.’
What are we commanded to do by the first Commandment
We are commanded to worship the one, true and living God, by Faith, Hope, Charity and Religion.
What are the principle sins against Faith?
They are: Wilful Doubt, Incredulity (disbelief), Heresy (rejection of part of the Faith), Apostasy (abandonment of the Faith), Schism (separation of a church from Christ’s Church).
How do we expose ourselves to the danger of losing our Faith?
We expose ourselves to the danger of losing our Faith by neglecting our spiritual duties of prayer and the reception of the Sacraments.
What are the sins against Hope?
They are: Despair and Presumption or assuming God’s forgiveness.
What are the sins against Charity?
They are: Indifference, Ingratitude, Lukewarmness, Spiritual Sloth and Hatred of God.
What are the chief sins against Religion?
They are: the worship of false gods or idols, giving to any creature whatsoever the honour which belongs to God alone, Sacrilege, Simony, Atheism and Agnosticism.
Does the first Commandment forbid dealing with the devil and superstitious practices?
Yes, the first Commandment does forbid dealing with the devil and superstitious practices, such as: consulting spiritualists and fortune-tellers, and trusting to charms, omens, or dreams.
Why do Catholics give honour to the Angels and Saints, to relics, crucifixes, statues and holy pictures?
Catholics give honour to the Angels and Saints because they are in the presence of God and are able to intercede for us.
Relics, crucifixes, statues and holy pictures are visual aids which help us to pray.
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