Sunday, February 25, 2007


The Sixth Commandment

‘You shall not commit adultery’.

What are we commanded by the sixth Commandment?

We are called to lead a chaste life, according to our particular state of life.

What is chastity ?

Chastity is the successful control of our sexual desires. As a virtue it is associated with temperance. Chastity is not a negative thing, but a positive way of living friendship to the full, without using others to gratify our desires. Chastity is expressed in celibacy or in the lifelong commitment of marriage.

How can we be chaste?

We can be chaste through our own self-control and exercising the virtue of temperance which seeks to control our passions and the appetites of our senses through the use of our reason. We should seek the help of prayer and the sacraments if we find this difficult.

What is the true and God-given purpose of our sexuality?

The true and God-given purpose of our sexuality is to enhance the conjugal love of husband and wife in marriage so that their union will be fruitful and bring the new life of children into their lives.

What does the sixth Commandment forbid?

The sixth commandment forbids adultery, or marital infidelity, when someone who is married has sexual relations with a person to whom they are not married. It also forbids sexual acts outside marriage and all offences against chastity.

What are these other offences against chastity?

The other offences against chastity are:

Lust - the desire for inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure, sought for itself.

Masturbation - the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs to derive sexual pleasure.

Fornication - sexual relations between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman - even if they have the intention to marry in the future.

Pornography - the display, in books or on film, of real or simulated sexual acts.

Prostitution - the involvement of women, men, children or adolescents in sexual activity for money.

Rape - the forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person.

What is homosexuality?

Homosexuality is sexual attraction between persons of the same sex.

Is homosexuality an offence against chastity?

The condition of homosexuality is not itself a sin against chastity. Men or women who have this condition do not necessarily choose this condition and for many of them it is a cross they have to suffer. People who are homosexual must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity and without any discrimination.

Are homosexual acts offences against chastity?

Homosexual acts are sins against chastity. People who are homosexual are called to live chaste lives. With the virtue of self-control, prayer and sacramental grace they can and should live a good Christian life.

What offends the dignity of marriage?

The dignity of marriage is offended by: Adultery, Divorce, Polygamy, Incest, Contraception, Trial Marriages or Living together before marriage.

Why is contraception morally wrong?

Contraception is morally wrong because it disrupts loving intimacy and separates the unitive sexual act from the procreative sexual act in marriage. The effects of contraception can be seen in our society which debases the value of the sexual act and will dispose of any new life ‘accidentally’ created through such acts by abortion, deliberately killing that innocent new life.

How may married couples space the births of their children?

Married couples may space the births of through the use of periodic continence and the use of infertile periods. The use of Natural Family Planning techniques allow the sexual act to be open to the possibility of new life but the woman’s infertile periods decrease the chance of conception.

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