The Third Commandment
‘Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.’
What are we commanded by the third Commandment?
We are commanded to keep the Sunday holy by attending and participating at Mass and by resting from our labours and business concerns.
Why are we commanded to attend and participate at Mass?
We are commanded to attend and participate at Mass because it is the greatest of all prayers and renews the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. The Mass enables us to offer our prayers to God in union with those of Jesus, and it is the sign of our participation in our Covenant with God.
Why are we commanded to attend and participate at Mass on Sunday?
We are commanded to attend and participate at Mass on Sundays because Sunday is the Lord’s Day - the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead and with all the other members of God’s family we are able to offer our united prayers of praise and thanksgiving for all God’s gifts. We are also able to pray as a community for our own needs and the needs of others.
Why are we commanded to rest from our labours and business concerns on Sunday?
We are commanded to rest from our labours and business concerns on Sunday, not only so that we have the time and opportunity to hear Mass, but also that we have time for rest and recreation with our families and friends.
Why are we allowed to fulfil the Sunday obligation on Saturday evening?
We are allowed to fulfil the Sunday obligation on Saturday evening because the Church gives us permission to do this.
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