Q: Ok, let me ponder on God for a second. . . But wait! You entioned a Bible what is it?
The Bible is God's guidebook to man. It has 66 books (39 Old Testament -- "part one" books and 27 New Testament -- "part two" books) which are a roadmap of sorts, for life.
Genesis, the first book, starts off with the words, "In the beginning, God..." and describes the creation of the world, the uniqueness and role of man and the naming of the animals.
From there it describes how man was tempted (by Satan, the devil) and sinned (or fell short of God's perfect ideal). Even way back then this pointed to the eventual need for salvation, or someone to pay for or cleanse us from our sin. Yet, even from the beginning, man was always trying to do it (work his way to God) on his own. Examples of this early on include Cain giving a sacrifice of fruit (rather than the sacrifice of an animal whose blood forshadowed Jesus Christ's blood being shed for us on the cross as a payment for sin) and the people getting together to build the Tower of Babel.
From there the second book in the Old Testament, Exodus, describes how the children of
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